
Weekdays 4:30 - 9:00

Saturdays 9:00 - 9:00

Sundays 10:00 - 6:00

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Utah Regional

We had an amazing time at the Utah Regional. We ranked 1st place and won the regional with alliance partners #2240 and #9138. We also earned the Excellence in Engineering Award.


Colorado Regional

We had a great time competiting with all of our friends in our local regional. We event met some new teams from all over the world!


Alabama Regional

This was our first time attending the Rocket City Regional and it was a blast! We even had the team social at the rocket museum where we saw a Saturn 5 rocket!

2023 Season

We just finished our 11th season and it was an amazing season! With 20 students, over half who just started FRC this season, our team decided to take on a ambistious make a rectangular swerve drive robot with a symmetrically mounted, two stage, cascade rigged telescoping arm. This enables the highlanders to pick up and place both game pieces from either side of the robot. In addition to the arm, Iceman has a dual roller “touch it, own it” style intake to manipulate both game objects effectively. An addition made before worlds was Slider, the full-width side intake made to pick up cubes from the ground and score them low. The Highlanders can score on all three levels and tend to do more cones from the double feeder station, then fill the low grid utilizing their side intake. Iceman has a rectangular chassis that makes triple balances easy and fits with most other sized robots on the charge station. Iceman was designed with a low CG in mind, and to this date has never tipped during a tournament. We have released our full CAD of our robot. check it out

Introducing Iceman

Quick cycle robot that can pick up cones and cubes and score in all 3 scoring locations.

Our Impact

Team Programs

2023 Season Videos

Team videos

Reveal Video

Reveal Video

Robot Build REcap

See our prototyping and build process and Iceman come to life.

Champs Footage

See our robot competing at the world championship.

Impact Video

Our Impact Award submission.

KILTS and CABER Kits in Jordon

See our STEMP camps with our KILT Kits and CABER robot Kits. We brought 30 kits to a refugee camp for kids 7-15 years old.

Halloween Fun

See our robots dressed up and handing candy out.