
Weekdays 4:30 - 9:00

Saturdays 9:00 - 9:00

Sundays 10:00 - 6:00

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Impact Award Winner

Green Country Regional

The Highlanders had a great time at the Green Country regional in Tulsa, OK. Sundown had some struggles, but did well! We were so thankful for winning the Impact Award!


Colorado Regional

Sundow came to Colorado with improved mechanisms and did great! We had so much fun playing with all of the amazing teams!


Rocket City Regional

Rocket City Regional was a ton of fun and had so much fun trying out a new intake and autonoumous programming!

2024 Season

We are in our 12th season and are excited to participate in the Cresendo Season! HERE

Introducing Sundown

Quick cycle robot that can pick up cones and cubes and score in all 3 scoring locations.

Our Impact

Team Programs

2023 Season Videos

Team videos

Reveal Video

Reveal Video

Robot Build REcap

See our prototyping and build process and Sundown come to life.

Champs Footage

See our robot competing at the world championship.

Impact Video

Our Impact Award submission.

KILTS and CABER Kits in Jordon

See our STEMP camps with our KILT Kits and CABER robot Kits. We brought 30 kits to a refugee camp for kids 7-15 years old.

Halloween Fun

See our robots dressed up and handing candy out.